Our Work

Faith to Faithless was set up to raise awareness of apostasy and support those who struggle leaving religion. We do this by staging the following events and sharing content on social media: 

  1. Panel Discussions, presentations and lectures are held across the UK in universities, public and private organisations. We tackle the uncomfortable conversations around apostasy that can include shunning, disownment, honour-based violence, depression, homelessness and having to rebuild lives. Our network of speakers have left different religions and cults and come from a wide variety of backgrounds.
  2. Faith to Faithless Helpline, the helpline offers a listening ear, informal emotional support, and a way for apostates to reduce their isolation. Additionally, helpline volunteers follow up calls with an email offering appropriate advice and signposting relating to the callers experience. This service is aimed at adults.

    The Helpline will be staffed by a team of specially trained volunteers, most of whom have experienced leaving a high control religion. They will be supported by the Apostate Services Manager, and other members of the Faith to Faithless staff team.

  3. Apostate Socials are informal gatherings, usually held in museum cafeterias or cafes and led by one of our volunteers. Socials are a fantastic way for apostates to meet like-minded people in a relaxed environment who have left different faith groups. All adults are welcome and you need not have left a religion to attend.
  4. Safeguarding Training has been designed to help frontline services and safeguarding professionals understand the harmful consequences of particular cultural and religious practices.The Police, social services, NHS workers, teachers, and charities are encouraged to take this training.
  5. Peer Support meetings are held online and led by trained Faith to Faithless facilitators. These are private events with the details only disclosed to attendees. This service is for adults only.
  6. Social Media allows us to share regular content on apostasy and leaving religion in real time to a growing domestic and international following. We receive messages from apostates from all of the world daily and do our level best to reply to messages promptly signposting other organisations if we are unable to help.

Thanks to Humanists UK supporters our panel discussion events, apostate socials, peer support meetings and some of our public safeguarding training sessions are free of charge to attend.

Faith to Faithless is part of Humanists UK, and for our privacy policy, safeguarding policy, and legal information about us as a charity, please visit: HumanistsUK